Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Maria Guinaldo Losada, PhD Student, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 2 months visit (Oct. and Nov. 2012).

  • André L.F. de Almeida, Associate Professor, UFC, Brazil, visit within the framework of the TeMP project (January 2012).

  • Joao Cesar M. Mota, Professor, UFC, Brazil, visit within the framework of the TeMP project (January 2012).

  • Zarina Samigulina, PhD student, Kazakhstan National Technical University (KazNTU), two weeks visit (November 2012).

Visits to International Teams

  • H. Fourati spent two weeks in Kazakhstan National Technical University (KazNTU), Dec. 2012.

  • F. Garin spent three weeks in Lund University during the LCCC focus period on Information and Control in Networks, Oct. 2012.

  • A. Kibangou spent three weeks in UFC, Brazil, in two stays (May and Oct. 2012).

  • C. Canudas de Wit visited universities of Berkeley (USA), Lund (Sweden), Madrid, Sevilla, and Valencia (Spain).